20 Fun Details About Electric Wall Fireplace Heaters
Electric Wall Fireplace Heaters
Electric wall fireplaces are able to add both warmth and style to the space. They operate using the standard outlet and are available in a variety of styles. Many of them also come with an "flame effect only" mode that doesn't produce heat, thus reducing the risk of burns.
They are ideal for those who use zones heating, which helps save energy by heating only rooms that you are using regularly. They can be mounted on the wall for a sleek, modern look.
Modern Look
With a wide range of options, finding a modern electric fireplace heater that matches your style is easy. Choose from linear recessed wall mounts, built in electric fireboxes as well as freestanding models. These wall-mounted units can be easily installed into existing fireplace openings, or in new construction homes. Some even have built-in heat pumps that allows you to add or remove heating power depending on the season.
Many modern electrical fireplaces use LED lighting to create an even more realistic fire display than traditional gas or wood burning fireplaces. The DragonBlaze is not a disappointment. It utilizes LED lights that are more energy efficient than halogen lamps.
Because they don't burn real wood, these wall-mounted electric fireplace heaters are much more affordable to operate than traditional gas or wood burning fireplaces. They are also safe to use in homes with children and pets because they emit no smoke or fumes. Electric fireplaces can be used throughout the year as a decor for rooms without the need for venting or a chimney.
Modern electric fireplaces that are mounted on walls are equipped with remote controls, allowing you to alter the flame effects as well as the heat setting from anywhere in the room. Certain models come with a backlit touchscreen specifically designed to work in dim lighting. The touch screen has intuitive icons and menus that allow you to alter the flame effect, and turn off or on the lighting in the ember bed.

Our modern electric fireplace wall mounts that use MagikFlame's patented Hollywood special effect technology, recreate the look of a real fire, with more realistic and realistic flames than any other electric fireplace recessed wall mount available. A computer inside the recessed fireplace insert project holographically a video of burning fire onto real faux-wood logs to create natural flame effects.
This type of realism can be achieved using the latest LCD-based technology and specially glasses coated with optical grade to reflect light into the room to create a more striking visual impact. The result is a stunning screen that rivals the natural beauty of the wood-burning fireplace.
Electric fireplaces come in a variety of styles. You can choose one that matches your home decor. They're also easy to set up. They're simply connected to an electrical outlet, in contrast to gas and wood fireplaces which require complicated venting. They're also more efficient than most other heating options due to the fact that they convert electricity into heat instead of just combusting natural resources like wood or gas.
A variety of electric fireplace heaters offer the option of a remote control, so you can control the flame and heat from the comfort of your chair. Some are even controlled by smartphone apps to give you a personalized experience. These are an excellent option for families with pets or children, since they don't produce any real flames. They don't release any emissions, so they won't produce smoke, carbon monoxide or creosote, which can be a problem for people with asthma.
Electric fires are also more cost-effective than other types of heaters since they don't require a constant supply air to keep them burning. Many electric fireplaces don't need any ventilation at all, which can save you money on your energy costs.
Electric fireplaces can be designed to look like wood-burning fireplaces, and can be fitted with various custom-designed accessories that add to their visual appeal. You can pick from logs, such as burnt driftwood or natural river rocks to match the decor of your home and LED light sets that come in a variety of colors that can be adapted to change the color of the flames.
The majority of electric fireplaces are designed to be recessed into walls however some are freestanding so they can be moved from room to room as required. They're perfect for areas that don't have enough space for a chimney, including apartments, condos and small homes. They're also an excellent choice for hotels, nursing homes and other hospitality establishments where safety is paramount. They can reduce the possibility of fires and injuries because they do not emit real flames. They can be used in conjunction with other heating sources and can provide additional warmth in the winter months when temperatures are at their lowest.
Energy Efficiency
Contrary to traditional fireplaces which require gas or wood they use an energy source that is green. This means they generate less carbon emissions and don't emit harmful fumes into the air which makes them perfect for those who suffer from respiratory or allergies. They don't release any harmful fumes when they are operating and are less likely than other chimney fires to begin.
In addition to being green, these fireplaces also offer greater energy efficiency than traditional fireplaces. Electric fires make use of infrared energy to warm rooms, which helps them to retain and absorb heat better than air alone. In comparison, traditional fireplaces are able to lose upto 90 percent of their heat to the chimney, meaning that a large portion of the warmth in the room is also lost.
The power utilized by these devices is measured in watts and they are designed to operate on 120 volts of power. While the top-rated models could consume up to 1,500 watts when operating at maximum capacity, most of them can be reduced to 750 watts or less for greater efficiency. A fireplace running at this level for an hour will cost 1.5 Kilowatt-hours. This will be about $0.23 at the most expensive electricity rates. This is still cheaper than the average home and will save you money when compared to a regular TV.
These electric fireplaces are available in several models that come with adjustable settings. You can adjust the amount of heat produced depending on your personal preferences and the size room you want to warm. They are also typically equipped with a digital display as well as a thermostat built-in that allows you to easily adjust the temperature according to your needs. You can also program the unit to shut off automatically after a predetermined time.
wall mounted electric fireplace with heat are also easy to install and don't require a connection to your heating system. They are a great option for apartment dwellers, who may not be able to make any modifications to their home. They can plug them in and start using them immediately, without the need for a landlord's approval. They are also lighter than other appliances. This makes them easier to move between homes.
Like all electrical heaters, electric fireplace heaters can pose dangers to fire if not used properly. They must be kept at a minimum of three feet away from combustible objects like curtains, rugs, upholstered furniture and clothing to reduce the risk of fire. In addition, they should be positioned so that their vents aren't blocked. This ensures that the heater is getting an adequate flow of air, which helps it to operate in a safe manner.
Electric fireplace heaters are fitted with safety features that prevent accidents and ensure that the heater is working properly. Tip-over switches and heat protection are just a few of the safety features. This will ensure that the unit will shut off if it gets too hot or is in danger of tipping over to avoid injuries or property damage. Certain models come with timers that automatically shut off the fireplace after a specific time.
While wall-mounted electric fireplace heaters do not require ventilation, they still require careful operation to reduce the risk of fire. Keep them away from flammable material and out of the reach of children. They should be stored in a place in a place where they won't be damaged or thrown over by pets or people.
The heat from an electric fireplace is generated by a heating element on the back of an aluminum sheet that emits warmth into the room. Although this doesn't produce the same amount of heat as a traditional fireplace, it is more than enough to warm the majority of rooms. Some units have a fan-heat combo that blows warm air into the room through the vents located on the bottom of the fireplace.
Most electric fireplace heaters are easy to install, especially ones that are mounted on the wall. Certain electric fireplace heaters can also be used as entertainment centers. They can be used to support flat-screen televisions and come with shelves for storage. Others are freestanding units that can be moved from one place to another when needed. Some models have remote controls to make it easier to adjust the settings and flame colors. It is crucial to study the manual and follow the instructions on how to use your electric fireplace heater.